Saturday, December 30, 2023

Fifth Sunday

Brother Knights,  we have a Fifth Sunday this weekend and as such we a supposed to take care of the Masses. Please help where you can as Ushers, Alter Servers, Lecturers, and Extraordinary Ministers. 

I hope you and your families all had a Merry Christmas and were able to spend some time thinking of our Lord. May each of you have a blessed and wonderful New Year. Please pray for each other, that 2024 will hold great things and lead us all to grow Holiness.

There has been a few of our members that have been sick lately please pray for thier healing and health. Annie Nehl tested positive for Covid before Christmas and Jerry was not feeling well. I asked her how they were doing a couple days ago, she said she is feeling much better but Jerry was not great yet. John Tieskotter messaged and asked for prayers as his wife Carmelita now has Covid. Please continue to pray for one another and help each other as we can. 

Deputy Grand Knight/
William Arehart

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Remarks from William Arehart

Brother Knights, I have several pictures of recent events and a few updates to pass along. First off next Tuesday we have our monthly meeting, If you can please bring your 30 dollars for 2024 dues. There will be no Adoration or Mass at Holy Trinity that night as there will be a Penance service at 5pm. We are in Advent, which means it is time to do some housekeeping and get ready for Jesus. If you heard Fathers homily last weekend you know we need to be ready always. 

Second, John Tieskotter, during our last fish fry, texted me and said he hurt his right knee. He went to the hospital and had fluid taken off of it that day. I spoke to him a week or so ago and he said it was getting better, still sore when he was on it for a period of time. He had been at Wal-Mart ringing the Salvation Army Bell and was sore. He also installed a set of steps and did some other work around a house this last week. Steven Morcus and Steve Ciulla helped John with this project. Pictures are attached. 

Huge thank you to Gary and Russell for getting the float ready and up to Holy Trinity for the Christmas Parade it looked great. Thank you to Chuck for using his truck to pull it in the parade and providing power for the lights. Thank you to all the Knights that made it out, it is always a lot of fun. If you didn't make it to this parade, please consider coming to the Fourth of July Parade.  

We had a great fish fry on Nov. 17th, thank you to all that helped. 

If you didn't make it to Father Francis' father's memorial Mass, you missed something that was truly awesome. Father Francis spoke beautifully about his father with some great memories that he has. We all know when Father speaks from his heart it is great and this time was no different. There was also two Bishops and around 20 Priest around the Alter at Holy Trinity, it was very inspiring.

Jerry Nehl is home and doing better as of Sunday. 

My nephew, Aaron Sand is home and doing well, I spoke with my sister today and she said he is getting along with well. Thank you everyone that prayed for Aaron and his family. 

Brothers, I want to tell all of you thank you for being who you are. I am honored to be a Knight with you gentlemen and to be able to do what we do. There are so many good things that we have been involved with this last year it is remarkable. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. below are a few pics that I have taken or have been sent to me. Hope to see all of you next Tuesday. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Christmas Parade marshfield


Here are three photos I took of our K of C float in the parade. Sorry for the fuzziness; it was rather dark where I was standing and hard to get good quality pictures.

Bob Schultheis 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Santa Maria KOC Boat for Parade

Brothers today is the day, please come and enjoy a fun time. I have attached pictures of the ship with lights, Gary and Russell did a great job. Meeting at the church at 5pm will head to line up shortly after then parade starts at 6pm. 

William Arehart/DGK

Friday, December 1, 2023

Christmas Parade

Brother Knights, at the last meeting we decided to participate in the Christmas parade in Marshfield. The parade is this tomorrow Dec. 22 at 6pm, line up is at Washington and Pine, just down from Holy Trinity. Line up starts at 5pm, we will head to the lineup close to 5:15. Those that want to attend the 5pm Mass first, since the parade doesn't start till 6pm you should be able to walk over and join us before we get to go but it will be close. I want to thank Gary Gray and Russell for getting the ship ready and stringing the lights. Also need to thank Chuck for offering to pull the ship with his truck. I hope all of you will come out and help have a good time. 

William Arehart/DGK

Prayer Request for Jerry Nehl

Brother Knights, Jerry Nehl is in the hospital with Pneumonia and needs our prayers. The hospital in Lebanon was going to transfer him to Springfield but they are letting him stay there for now.

Oh God, remember our friend who is sick. I commend him to Your compassionate regard that You would grant him healing and total recovery. Comfort him on their sickbed and take away his suffering.

I beg for Jerry healing and trust that no sickness is too difficult for You. I pray that You bless our friend with Your tender love, renew his strength and cure what afflicts him

In Your loving name, I pray, Amen.

Ramp at 707 Niangua Road, Niangua

 Another completed ramp by John Tieskotter ...week of May 1st, Assisted by Dan Poirier (9170) and Steve parishioner.

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