Monday, June 27, 2022

Son of John L. Tieskotter


John Tieskotter's eldest son is dying and is not expected to live past Wednesday.   John is traveling from Iowa, back to his home, then to Virginia to be with his son for his last days.  Please keep John and his family in your prayers and for their safe travels.



Sunday June 26th

 John Jr passed away this evening at 6:27 PM Eastern time to meet his Heavenly Father and work on the projects the Good Lord has for him IN Heaven!!! Thank you all for the caring and sharing with my family!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Roe V Wade

My Brother Knights:

After nearly 50 years, the wrong decision that was made in Roe v. Wade has been set right. The Supreme Court’s historic decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’ Health Organization overturning both Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, is a watershed moment in the movement that generations of Knights of Columbus have worked and prayed for. Indeed, it is one of the most significant advancements in human rights in our nation’s history.

We are grateful and encouraged by the Court’s finding that abortion is not a “constitutional right.” But we must not think that today is a day to declare victory. Instead, I call upon every member of the Knights of Columbus to redouble their personal efforts to build up the Culture of Life that St. John Paul II described in his prophetic encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae.

With Roe reversed, federal advocacy to protect unborn life is still necessary, but the decision opens wide the doors for states to consider their own abortion laws as well. Many states have laws that immediately protect unborn human life. Others have taken regrettable steps to make themselves “sanctuaries” for abortion-on-demand. Pregnancy resources centers will become even more vital as they reach out to serve pregnant women, new mothers and their children.

In the months and years ahead, Knights should work to support — or start — marches for life in every state. Another critical action we can all take is to increase our support for pregnancy resource centers in our communities. To that end, the Supreme Council has announced a $5 million campaign to support new mothers and their children through a new program: ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy). These pregnancy centers and maternity homes are now the front lines of the pro-life movement, and Knights should continue to stand and serve with them. You can support this effort by making a donation today.

Even before the Dobbs decision was officially released, we saw numerous instances of violence and vandalism targeted at pregnancy resource centers and Catholic churches across the country. Let us find our response in the words Pope Francis addressed to the 2021 Supreme Convention, which called on us to be men “committed to building up rather than tearing down, promoting healing and reconciliation in place of hatred and recrimination, and inviting all to undertake the ‘journey of fraternity’ that can lead to a world ever more in accord with God’s saving plan for our human family.”

Finally, we must continue to pray and fast for the end of abortion. How fitting it is that the Dobbs decision arrived on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us pray in thanksgiving for this decision, and continue to implore the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe as we work to build a Culture of Life in which every human life, made in the image and likeness of God, is welcomed in life and protected in law.


Patrick E. Kelly

Supreme Knight

Webster County Fair

Just a reminder that the Knights are working the kitchen at the WCF tonight, June 29 and Monday, July 4.  Any and all help would be greatly appreciated from 5:00-10:00 both evenings.  Hope to see you there and thank you, brothers!



-- Hello Brothers,

As was discussed at our last meeting, the Knights have been asked to assist in serving food on June 29, the opening of the WCF, and the last night, July 4th.  It is a great time for fellowship and a chance to see familiar faces.  If you wear your Knights gear or if you do not have any gear, let the people at the gate know that you are with the Knights and you are working in the kitchen.  Hours for us to serve are usually from 4:30-10:00.  Thanks in advance for those who can serve.  Look forward to seeing you there!



Friday, June 10, 2022

Parish Picnic Help Wanted



Matt Wingo, Parish President asked me to send out a call for help on Saturday at noon to help setup for the Parish Picnic. 

Also after the picnic please help pick up.



Michael & Matt

"Retirement Planning in a Changing Landscape."


Since our founding, the Knights of Columbus has been committed to helping provide financial security to Catholic families. For many of us, one of our biggest financial anxieties is preparing for retirement. To help our members and their families learn more about planning for their future, we are sponsoring a series of free virtual webinars with America's IRA Expert Ed Slott!

Ed is a nationally recognized speaker known for turning his expert tax strategies into understandable and actionable advice.

Worried about retirement, or how you'll get there? Looking for insight on retirement planning and tax information? Do you want to learn how to capitalize on your own finances?

Register today for "Retirement Planning in a Changing Landscape." All K of C members are welcome to attend — use the registration link below to sign up today!

If you have a friend, coworker or neighbor who has been thinking about joining the Knights but has not yet and could benefit from this event — share this invite so they too can learn about the latest retirement strategies from Ed himself.

Ed combines current research, in-depth expertise, and humor to teach his audience about the ins and outs of their retirement. You won’t want to miss this informative and entertaining event!

US Speaker Series

"Retirement Planning in a Changing Landscape"

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert

Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin

Use this link to registerJune 14th @ 7:30pm EDT/6:30pm CDT

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Mass, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia

Use this link to registerJune 15th @ 7:30pm EDT

Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Use this link to registerJune 23rd @ 9:00pm EDT

*Please note these events are scheduled by region and each event is the same. Although they are by region please choose the time and date that best suits you.

** This event is for informational purposes only. Ed Slott and his firm are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Knights of Columbus and opinions stated are their own. Knights of Columbus, its subsidiaries, agents, and employees do not give tax, legal, or accounting advice. Consult your tax, legal or accounting professional regarding your individual situation.



Thursday, June 9, 2022

Knight Jay Jesen's dad had past away

There will not be a grave side service after mass tomorrow. There will be a luncheon after mass. Grave side service at a later date. Mass will be at 10:00

On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 4:40 PM kandycri <> wrote:
Good afternoon brother Knights.
I received a phone call today from Russell Rouse and he had informed me that our brother Knight Jay Jesen's dad had past away.
Let's please keep Jay's family in our prayers and thoughts during this difficult time. 
The visitation is tonight at Sacred Heart Church, Conway, MO. with the Praying of the Rosary at 7pm. 
Funeral services will be tomorrow at Sacred Heart Church, Conway Mo. starting at 10am with grave site services to follow. 
A lunch will be held at the church hall following the grave site services. 
Prayer and comfort is the healing process for a broken heart. 
We are here for you Jay.
God Bless.

Your brother Knights, 
Council 10844

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Fraternal Benefit Opportunity!



Fraternal Benefit Opportunity!


We have a great opportunity to listen to a nationally recognized speaker, Ed Slott. Ed specializes in 

the latest retirement planning strategies and opportunities for 2022 Register today to reserve your spot. 


June 14 at 6:30pm


To register take a photo of the barcode or go to the website on attachment.


Hope to see you there!





Sunday, June 5, 2022

Support the National Eucharistic Revival


Dear Brother Knights,

As you may know, the Bishops of the United States have called for a National Eucharistic Revival, challenging Catholics across the US to deepen their reverence for Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

As I have said before, we are honored to support the National Eucharistic Revival. As Knights of the Eucharist, it is our task to deepen our own devotion. This can be done through prayer, faithful attendance at Mass, and Adoration.

To support you, your families, and your communities as you grow in your commitment to the Eucharist, the Supreme Council has developed and gathered resources both for personal and council use. Among these resources are Eucharistic Procession training videos and guides that you and your councils are invited to use in support of your parishes. These resources have been developed in consultation with the USCCB and have been shared with dioceses across the country.

I am also happy to share with you a new inspirational and catechetical video, The Eucharist: Source of our Healing and Hope, that will help strengthen your knowledge of and love for the mystery of the Eucharist. All of these resources and more can be found at

The National Eucharistic Revival will officially launch on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 19, 2022, and many dioceses and parishes are planning celebrations and Eucharistic Processions to mark the occasion. Please make it a priority to familiarize yourself with the resources available to you and your councils to support this important initiative and to stand ready to assist your pastors and bishops both in these Eucharistic Processions and in all of their plans to renew belief in and devotion to the Eucharist.

Vivat Jesus!

Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight


Ramp at 707 Niangua Road, Niangua

 Another completed ramp by John Tieskotter ...week of May 1st, Assisted by Dan Poirier (9170) and Steve parishioner.

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