Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukraine MTG with Supreme Knight

Worthy Grand Knight:

This morning, I was fortunate to speak with His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki of Lviv, Ukraine’s two leading Catholic prelates, representing the Eastern and Western rites. It was moving to hear the witness of both men, who are ministering tirelessly and courageously to a people facing unimaginable stress and turmoil. These two archbishops — both proud brother Knights for almost a decade — expressed their tremendous gratitude for the support the Knights of Columbus has already demonstrated, and which I pledged to continue. I promised that the Knights of Columbus would accompany them and their people both in prayer and material support. I am writing today to ask for your continued help with both.

As you know, the Knights of Columbus launched the Ukraine Solidarity Fund to support our brother Knights and their families, as well as their countrymen and women in Ukraine during this time of intense need. As of this writing, we have exceeded $2.5 million raised by Knights and other donors. Taking into account the Supreme Council’s initial $1 million commitment and $500,000 matching challenge, the Ukraine Solidarity Fund already stands at more than $4 million dollars.

These funds are already being put to use for humanitarian purposes both in Ukraine and in neighboring Poland where so many refugees have fled. In addition to providing food, shelter, medicine and religious goods in the short term, we have also committed to remain for the long haul, to help as Knights always do.

During this Lenten season, I encourage you to support these efforts in two ways. First, I urge you to organize council fundraising events for the Ukraine Solidarity Fund. I have authorized Columbian Award credits for councils who donate at certain thresholds (details will be provided in the next “Fraternal Advisory”). Second, I encourage you and all our brother Knights to pray. Consider holding Holy Hours and rosaries for peace in Ukraine and for those suffering right now. While the benefits of our prayers may not be as tangible as dollars spent on food or medicine, we trust that their effects are even more important. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact fraternalmission@kofc.org.

Your support will have a significant impact on the lives of the innocent Ukrainian people who have been brutally impacted by this war. Thank you.


Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight


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